People like to have marble floors and countertops in their homes because it elevates the room’s overall appearance.
However, you must ensure that the marble surface always looks clean. People often end up damaging the surface of the natural stone due to a lack of knowledge. They use the wrong technique and product to clean the marble; thus, the surface gets damaged.
Many people prefer to contact experienced end of lease cleaners in Canberra to accomplish difficult-to-clean places like a marble surfaces. They are highly recommended during the end of lease period as they help the tenants to
get back the bond money. You can also call them anytime you want to deep clean your home.
If you want to clean the natural stone surface on your own, you must know what to use and what not to use on that surface.
Read in to know more about the cleaning products you should not use on marble.
Acidic Cleaners
Natural ingredients like white vinegar and lemon juice are pretty useful when it comes to household cleaning. They are quite effective against the dirt on various surfaces, but unfortunately, marble is not one of them. The acid in vinegar and lemon juice can damage the surface of the marble and make it look dull. In fact, you should avoid any cleaner that contains any acid.
Store-Bought Chemical Cleaners
One of the things that you must avoid on the marble floor or any other surface is store-bought cleaners. Most of these products contain harmful chemicals that not only pollute the indoor environment but also damage the surface of the marble.
People often use bathroom tile cleaners and other similar products on marble, but you must avoid such things. When you can
get a sparkling home with natural cleaning products, then why use such branded cleaners.
Products Containing Alkali
You should also strictly avoid any product that contains alkali. It is a chemical compound that people sometimes use to clean surfaces. While it is excellent for getting rid of stubborn dirt, the longer this strong chemical is left on a porous surface like marble, the more likely it is to going to cause harm to your counters.
Glass Cleaners
People sometimes use glass cleaners to add shine to their marble surfaces, but it is a big mistake. Such a product can permanently damage your marble surface, so avoid it strictly. Even sealed marble countertops and floors are pretty porous, so they can only stand cleaning products that are mild.
If you are not sure whether any products will cause harm to the surface or not, contact professionals who offer
reliable end of lease cleaning Canberra.
Vacuum Cleaner
You should also avoid vacuum cleaners when cleaning marble floors or any other similar surface. The attachments of the vacuum cleaner have metal, and bristle edges can leave scratch marks on marble floors. That can lead to repairing and re-polishing the floor.
Products Are Safe To Use on Marble
Avoiding harmful products is not enough to keep the marble safe and clean. You should also know about the products that are safe for the surface. So, when you want to clean the marble floor and countertop, use the following products only.
Microfiber Cloths
To remove the dust and dirt from the marble surfaces, you can use a lint-free and gentle microfiber duster. The clothes not only remove the dust and dirt from the marble surface but also the excess amount of moisture present on the surface. It prevents water spots that can lessen the appearance of a polished marble surface.
Soap and Water
One of the easiest and best ways to keep your marble surface clean is by using dish soap and warm water. It is effective against stubborn dirt and spill. However, after cleaning the surface, wipe it with a damp cloth to remove the soap residue. Professional cleaners often use this method to clean marble countertops and floors.
Hydrogen Peroxide
You can also use hydrogen peroxide solution but only on a light colour marble. It can leave behind light colour marks on a dark colour marble. The good thing about a dark colour marble is that stains are not easily visible like a light colour surface. Pour some solution on a cloth and rub the spot to want to clean. This solution not only cleans dirt from marble but is also one of the
best ways to clean mould from your house.
Baking Soda and Water
It is an excellent way to remove the stains from a marble surface. All you need to do is to apply the baking soda paste over the stained area and wrap it in plastic. Use tape to secure the edges of the plastic and leave for around 24 hours. Then remove the plastic, paste and check if the stain is still visible. If you can see the stains, repeat the entire procedure.
Keeping your marble surface clean and safe is not as difficult as it seems. All you need to do is to avoid the cleaning products mentioned above. Avoid harmful chemicals as they not only damage the surface but also
worsen the health of the environment. To avoid the hassle of cleaning marble, contact professionals who offer the best end of lease cleaning in Canberra.