What Are The Easy Ways To Declutter And Clean Basement?

What Are The Easy Ways To Declutter And Clean Basement?

By : Angelina

It is common for many homeowners to find their basement in a mess. Clutter is neither good for your mental health nor the visual appeal of your home. Once you find yourself facing the intimidating task of dealing with all the mess collected in the basement over a long period, you will realise how difficult it is. This is where decluttering and cleaning comes in. Decluttering is not only one of the best ways to create more space, but it will also positively impact your well-being.

You will be motivated to do it if you just imagine your basement appearing really clean and organised. Although you do have the option of hiring professionals who provide services like house cleaning and budget end of lease cleaning Canberra, you can also go the DIY route if you prefer that. Here are the easy ways to declutter and clean the basement. Utilise these tips to make your basement clean and organised.

1. Prepare a Detailed Plan

There is no doubt that decluttering your basement can be a tough task, particularly if you have used this part of your house for keeping unwanted items. This is why it is best recommended to go with a plan when it is time to declutter. Set a time for doing work and know what you would like to get out of the session. It is not possible to declutter the entire space in a single day, so it is better to break down the work into small and manageable tasks. You should also take breaks frequently so that you are not overwhelmed.

2. Get Rid of Unwanted Stuff

Once you are ready with your plan, start decluttering. It is best to get rid of things you no longer need and use. Focus majorly on the large items at the beginning and keep the momentum going until you have evaluated all the stuff. Think about donating things that still work perfectly fine. Many thrift stores and other places that accept such donations can really benefit from this. Get rid of any trash from the basement so that you are left with things you use. If there is a very valuable item that you no longer use, selling it will be a great option.

3. Thoroughly Clean the Basement

Once you have decluttered the basement, professionals who do budget end of lease cleaning Canberra recommend cleaning it. Firstly, ensure the place is completely empty as that will make cleaning easier. You won’t have to move things around every five minutes when cleaning. Cleaning on a sunny and bright day is advisable because you can then keep all the stuff outside for a while without worrying about them getting damaged. Start with vacuuming the surfaces to get rid of loose dust. Follow up with mopping the entire basement. Try to clean from top to bottom and left to right to ensure you are getting into every corner. Once you complete these tasks, you will see how clean and visually appealing your basement looks.

4. Pay Attention to Walls When Cleaning

technique to clean a wall

During the cleaning procedure, it is important to pay special attention to the walls. This is because they can collect dust and dirt, making the space look less aesthetic. According to professionals who do expert end of lease cleaning Canberra, using a sponge and a mild cleaning solution will be a good idea. You can prepare the solution by combining ¼ teaspoon of white vinegar, 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap, and a quart of warm water. Work from top to bottom to get the best results.

5. Use Airtight Bins to Keep Your Space Organised

Once you have removed all the unnecessary items, it is time to organise the basement. Keeping it organised will ensure that it looks visually appealing while allowing you to easily find the item you are looking for. It is best recommended to place stuff like off-season clothing and other similar items you do not need often in airtight bins to ensure everything looks neat and clean. This way, you won’t need to go through numerous boxes when you are looking for any item. So, once you have cleaned this space with the help of experts who offer services like professional end of lease cleaning Canberra, use airtight bins to organise the basement.

6. Properly Label All the Bins

Labelling each of the bins is highly recommended to further organise your space. Mention the items each bin contains to facilitate easier identification. This will greatly help when you are urgently looking for a particular item. You will just have to walk over to the collection of bins, read the labels, and identify the bin you are searching for. Otherwise, you will have to search through all the bins, which will lead to clutter. So, ensure you label all the boxes properly to keep the space organised.

Tips for Decluttering and Cleaning Your Basement

Tips To Declutter And Clean Basement

Wrapping Up

Decluttering, cleaning, and organising your basement does not have to be daunting, even if you are dealing with a lot of clutter. Preparing a plan and executing it is ideal to make this space look better. Follow the tips mentioned in this article to declutter and clean your basement.