How Often to Clean & Disinfect High-Touch Areas in Your Home?

How Often to Clean & Disinfect High-Touch Areas in Your Home?

By : Angelina
According to studies, over 7,000 species of bacteria in your home can divide every 20 minutes at the right temperature. Some bacteria, like staph, E.coli, and salmonella, can cause infections and make you sick. Thus, it is a good idea to maintain your hygiene by washing your hands daily and wearing a mask to prevent the spread of germs. You should also clean and disinfect the high-touch surface areas in your home daily to kill germs, so they do not spread. You can also hire cleaning experts who offer end of lease cleaning in Canberra to deep clean all your surfaces and disinfect them so that your home is germ-free. Before you note how often you should clean the high-touch areas in your home, you should first understand the difference between cleaning and disinfecting.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

  • When you clean your home, you remove dirt and debris from your surfaces.
  • On the other hand, disinfecting your home means killing and preventing germs and bacteria.
  • You should use a microfiber cloth and soapy water to clean surfaces and eliminate dust.
  • For disinfecting surfaces, you will have to use something stronger like rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar to kill and prevent germs.
  • Professional bond cleaners in Canberra recommend doing both activities daily, especially if you have people visiting your home frequently.
  • This is also a good preventative measure to protect yourself from the Coronavirus (COVID-19), which spreads rapidly and can stay on stainless surfaces for two to three days.

  • Now that you know the difference between the two, it is a good idea to see what high-touch surfaces in your home you should clean and disinfect daily and how.

    Which High-Touch Areas To Clean And Disinfect Daily

    You must clean and disinfect the below high-touch areas daily as they can easily spread and transmit germs. If these items are being used more frequently, like when guests visit, you should clean them at least twice to kill all the germs.
  • Switchboards
  • Doorknobs and handles
  • Kitchen counters
  • Table surfaces
  • Remote controls
  • Faucets and faucet handles
  • Toilet seat
  • Remote control
  • Bathroom counters

  • Bond cleaning professionals in Canberra recommend that you start cleaning and disinfecting these surfaces in the following ways.

    Step-By-Step Cleaning And Disinfecting Guide

    1. Gather Your Supplies You should start by arranging the following cleaning and disnfecting supplies for your home:
  • Rubber gloves
  • Warm water
  • Microfiber cloth
  • White vinegar
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Dish soap

  • 2. Clean The Surfaces With Dish Soap You should start by dusting all the surfaces with a clean microfiber cloth to eliminate contaminants and dirt. Next, dip your cloth in a bowl of warm water and dish soap and wipe your surfaces with this. You must clean your surfaces first to remove dirt so that your disinfectants can work better at killing germs and bacteria. 3. Use Disinfecting Products Now, you must disinfect your surfaces with natural solutions like white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol. The best way to do this is to dilute these solutions with warm water and then spray them on the surfaces. Do not wipe away the disinfectant quickly, and leave it on for at least ten minutes so that it can kill 99.9 % of the germs and viruses in your home. 4. Dry The Areas You must then wipe down the area so that it dries completely and there is no buildup of moisture and germs. Lastly, remove your gloves and wash your hands and face to keep yourself safe.

    Disinfecting Products For Different Surfaces

    You must use only certain disinfectants on certain high-touch areas, or you could risk damaging the surface. Here is a list of all the disinfectants you should use on which surface:
  • Doorknobs- Use a solution of two parts rubbing alcohol and one part of warm water in a spray bottle. You should then spray this on your doorknobs and leave it for 30 minutes so that the rubbing alcohol can break the cell walls of the germs and viruses.
  • Switchboards- You should always ensure your switches are off so that you do not injure yourself while cleaning and disinfecting these surfaces. Professional bond cleaners recommend spraying a few drops of rubbing alcohol on a microfiber cloth and wiping the switches. Leave this for 30 minutes, then wipe it dry with a clean cloth.
  • Kitchen and bathroom counters: One of the best ways to disinfect and clean your kitchen and bathroom counters is by using white vinegar. Mix two parts of warm water and one part of white vinegar in a spray bottle on these surfaces. Leave it for 30 minutes so the acetic acid in the white vinegar can break down, lift dirt, and remove germs.
  • Faucets and faucet handle: To disinfect your faucets properly, mix 2.5 cups of warm water with 0.5 cups of hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle. Then spray this on your faucets and leave it on for two to three minutes. This hydrogen peroxide can deactivate bacteria and viruses and kill essential germ cells. It is highly effective against the rhinovirus that causes the common cold and can kill it within eight minutes and can thus help you disinfect your house after getting sick.

  • Conclusion

    Therefore, you should clean and disinfect your high-tough areas daily to eliminate and prevent germs and viruses from spreading in your home. You can always hire bond cleaners in Canberra to deep clean your home every two to three months to remove germs and viruses for longer spells and make your home look sparkling clean.